HTML as a Beginner

What is Html ?

Table of contents

Html was developed by "Tim Berners-Lee" released in 1993 & Maintained by W3C organization. The term HTML Means "Hyper Text Markup Languages". "Hypertext" means hyper is the navigation , text means data, value. "Markup" means The way of designing /coding . It is nothing But tags(</>). "Language" means Communicator.

HTML is used to design "Web Pages" , means HTML is used to Create Elements (Such as headings , paragraph , icons , etc. etc...) in the web pages.HTML is used in all real time websites . Html is the only language available in world for designing web pages .

Structure In HTML-:

<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Version Section -->
<html lang="en"> <!-- Web page designing begin -->
    <!-- we use head for title of the page, 
telling the reader what the page is all about -->
    <title>Document</title>  <!-- Title of the Project -->
    <!-- Body Contain rest of the tags and contains a detailed explanation -->
</html> <!-- Web page designing over -->